Thursday, January 30, 2014

Our Time in Haiti- Mission Trip Jan. 2014

Today was our last day in Haiti. All of us had such a wonderful time and learned so much from the children. We continued our efforts to stop the scabies, ringworm, and intestinal worms. Clean sheets were placed on the children’s beds on Wednesday and the children were given more medication for ringworm. The children were so excited to take their medication- mostly because it comes with sweet applesauce. Jessica and Casey made many new friends who LOVED to do their hair. Tammy, Jessica & Casey were able to spend time with all the kids creating VBS crafts that were well loved and decorating each dorm and the school room with flowers and stars and the words: “Mete toujou konfyans nou” which means “Always believe in Love & God”. Everyone loved the words and meaning. Jamie & Peggy had a great experience lecturing at the nursing college on Wednesday. The students learned all about the heart and CPR. We had one student volunteer to lay on a table and let us demonstrate hand placement for CPR. It was a learning experience for all of us and we were so thankful to have Franz there to translate for us.

On Thursday, we taught the kids to play UNO! They loved the cards and all wanted to play. It was such a wonderful experience for all of us to spend time with children and The Bastien family. Elizee learned all about the medications and will continue where we left off. Detailed instructions were left with the medications and a plan for any new children was developed. On follow-up today the children reported that overall they feel less itchy- what a blessing. And our one child with the infection on her hand seemed to be doing better with no pain today and Elizee will continue her antibiotics and e-mail Jamie any questions. We ended our time with the kids by getting them treats- crackers, cookies, and juice. Everyone loved the treats and the children blessed us with a thank you song when we left. God certainly blessed our group! Our only wish is to bring EVERYONE home with us!

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